Study ID | False | An experiment and biological sample may be linked to a single study. |
Expsample ID | True | The experiment sample user defined ID is an identifier chosen by the data provider to refer to this sample. This ID may be referenced by other data records (e.g. assay results). The user defined ID is not shared. |
Reagent ID(s) | False | One or more identifiers can be entered. Separate identifiers by semicolon (;). The reagent identifier(s) must be stored in ImmPort or in the reagents.txt template. |
Treatment ID(s) | False | One or more identifiers can be entered. Separate identifiers by semicolon (;). The treatment identifier(s) must be stored in ImmPort or in the treatments.txt template. |
Expsample Name | False | The experiment sample name is a display name that is available when the data is shared, but it is not referenced by other data records. |
Expsample Description | False | Describe important characteristics of the sample being assayed. |
Additional Result File Names | False | Separate file names by a semi-colon (;). The file size name limit is 240 characters. |
Repository Name | False | ImmPort expects genotyping results to be deposited in dbGAP since this is a prerequisite for publication. In order to avoid duplication of data upload by requiring the same data be sent to ImmPort as well as dbGAP, ImmPort requires only the dbGAP accession. |
Repository Accession | False | The public repository accession should be the most granular or highest resolution provided (e.g. sample level accession, not sample group accession). |
Biosample ID | True | The biological sample user defined ID is an identifier chosen by the data provider to refer to a sample. This ID may be referenced by other data records (e.g. experiment sample). The user defined ID is not shared. |
Subject ID | False | Please enter either a subject user defined ID or ImmPort accession for the subject from which the sample was derived. A single subject record is permitted. |
Planned Visit ID | False | The link to a study's planned visit provides temporal context for a sample's derivation from a subject. |
Type | False | The sample types are adopted from Uberon, Cell and CHEBI ontologies. |
Subtype | False | Enter a sample type that is of finer resolution than the standard sample types provided. If the 'Biological Sample Type' is 'Other', then the sample subtype must be entered. |
Biosample Name | False | The biological sample name is a display name that is available when the data is shared, but it is not referenced by other data. |
Biosample Description | False | The biological sample description is used to describe details of the sample not captured in other columns. |
Study Time Collected | False | Study time collected describes the time value for when a sample was derived from a subject. |
Study Time Collected Unit | False | The time units are standard terms recommended by the HIPC Standards group. |
Study Time T0 Event | False | The time zero event refers to the study milestone upon which time is based. |
Study Time T0 Event Specify | False | Enter a time zero event if 'Other' is selected in column 'Study Time T0 Event'. |
Experiment ID | True | The experiment identifier must be stored in ImmPort or in the experiments.txt template. The experiment serves as the parent entity to bind assay results of a similar type together. |
Protocol ID(s) | False | Please enter either a protocol user defined ID or ImmPort accession for a protocol that describes how the sample was derived and prepared. One or more identifiers can be entered per sample. Separate identifiers by semicolon (;). |
Experiment Name | False | The experiment name is a display name that is available when the data is shared, but it is not referenced by other data. |
Experiment Description | False | The experiment description is used to describe details of the experiment not captured in other columns. |
Measurement Technique | False | The measurement technique describes the assay method. |