Study Detail
The following endpoints are primarly used by the ImmPort SharedData application to display the Study detail pages. They may not be useful for general reanalysis or repurposing data projects. These endpoints do NOT require an ImmPort Access Token to use and are subject to change.
Endpoint | Description | BASE URL + Endpoint | Example |
adverseevent summary | Adverse event summary | adverseevent/summary/{studyAccession} | adverseevent/summary/SDY1 |
adverseevent detail | Adverse event details | adverseevent/detail/{studyAccession} | adverseevent/detail/SDY1 |
assesmentpanel summary | Assessment panel summary | assessmentpanel/summary/{studyAccession} | assessmentpanel/summary/SDY1 |
assessmentcomponent | Assessment components (assessment results) | study/assessmentcomponent/{studyAccession} | study/assessmentcomponent/SDY1 |
intervention summary | Intervention summary | intervention/summary/{studyAccession} | intervention/summary/SDY1 |
compoundrolesummary | Compound (drug, molecule) summary | intervention/compoundrolesummary/{studyAccession}/{compoundRole} | SDY1/medication SDY1/substance |
compoundroledetail | Compound (drug, molecule) detail | intervention/compoundroledetail/{studyAccession}/{compoundRole} | SDY1/medication SDY5/substance |
labtestpanel summary | Lab test panel summary | labtestpanel/summary/{studyAccession} | labtestpanel/summary/SDY1 |
labtestcomponent | Lab test component | study/labtestcomponent/{studyAccession} | study/labtestcomponent/SDY1 |
study summary | Study summary | study/summary/{studyAccession} | study/summary/SDY1 |
study design | Study design | study/design/{studyAccession} | study/design/SDY1 |
studyfile | Study files | study/studyfile/{studyAccession} | study/studyfile/SDY1 |
study mechanisticAssay | Experiment or mechanistic assay summary by study | study/mechanisticAssay/{studyAccession} | study/mechanisticAssay/SDY1 |
experiment mechanisticAssay | Experiment or mechanistic assay summary by experiment | experiment/mechanisticAssay/{experimentAccession} | experiment/mechanisticAssay/EXP14861 |
demographics | Demograhics of study subjects | subject/demographics/{studyAccession} | subject/demographics/SDY1 |