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Python Examples

If you are familiar with Python, the following functions may be useful when using the ImmPort File Download API. The code below is an example of a small utility package that could be imported into your programs to use when accessing the API.

In the examples following the Python function definitions block, we will be using these 3 functions to retrieve content using the File Download API.

Python Helper Functions

Python Helper Functions

import sys
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import requests
import json
import platform
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO

# These Variables are used inside the functions
# below. Reducing some of parameters that need to
# passed to each function.
# For the functions to work, they assume the Aspera directory 
# included in the Download Tool zip file have been placed
# in the ../common/aspera directory.
ASPERA_BIN_DIR = "../common/aspera/cli/bin"
ASPERA_TOKEN_URL = API_ENDPOINT_BASE_URL + "/data/download/token"
ASPERA_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = "../common/aspera/cli/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh"
ASPERA_USERNAME = "databrowser"

def request_immport_token(username, password):
    '''Request an ImmPort token

       :param username: ImmPort user name.
       :param password: ImmPort user password.

       return immport_token
    r =,
                  data={'username': username, 'password': password})
    if r.status_code == 200:
        return r.json()['access_token']
        return None

def request_aspera_token(file_path, immport_token):
    '''Request an Aspera token

       param file_path: Path to the file on the ImmPort Databrowswer site.
       param immport_token: Token obtained from ImmPort authentication.

       return aspera_token
    headers = {
        'Authorization': "bearer " + immport_token,
        'Content-Type': "application/json"

    payload = '{ "paths" : [ "' + file_path + '" ] }'
    r =, headers=headers, data=payload)
    if r.status_code == 200:
        return r.json()['token']
        return None

def api_file_download(username, password, file_path, output_directory):
    '''Download a file by first checking ImmPort user credentials,
       checking the file_path exists, retrieving an Aspera token, then
       executing the Aspera command line program to retrieve the file.

       :param username: ImmPort username.
       :param password: ImmPort user password.
       :param file_path: Path to the file on the ImmPort DataBrowser site.
       :param output_directory: Location of the file system to place the
                            the downloaded file.

       return: None
    immport_token = request_immport_token(username, password)
    if immport_token is None:
        print("ERROR: Credentials incorrect for ImmPort, unable to retrieve token")
        return None
    aspera_token = request_aspera_token(file_path, immport_token)
    if aspera_token is None:
        print("ERROR: Unable to obtain Aspera token")
        return None

    # Determine the correct executable for the operating system.
    # Currently support Linux 32/64 and Apple/Darwin.
    os_name = platform.system()
    command = ""
    if os_name == "Linux":
        hardware_name = platform.machine()
        if hardware_name == "x86_64":
            command = ASPERA_BIN_DIR + "/linux/ascp"
            command = ASPERA_BIN_DIR + "/linux32/ascp"
    elif os_name == "Darwin":
        command = ASPERA_BIN_DIR + "/osx/ascp"
        print("ERROR: Unsupported operatin system: " + os_name)
        return None

    command += " -v -L " + output_directory + " -i " + \
        ASPERA_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE + " -O33001 -P33001 -W "

    command += aspera_token + ' --user=' + ASPERA_USERNAME + ' -p '
    command += ASPERA_SERVER + ":" + file_path + ' ' + output_directory, shell=True)
    return "Success"


Download a Result File

Python - Retrieve Result File

if os.path.exists("output"):
api_file_download(USERNAME, PASSWORD, 'SDY1/ResultFiles/Flow_cytometry_result/02054141.001.52628.fcs', "output")
os.system("ls -lt output")
02054141.001.52628.fcs                        100%  236KB             --:--    
Completed: 236K bytes transferred in 0 seconds
 (3548K bits/sec), in 1 file.
total 264
-rw-rw---- 2 user user   9948 Jun 15 08:56 aspera-scp-transfer.0.log
-rw-rw---- 2 user user   9948 Jun 15 08:56 aspera-scp-transfer.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 242048 Apr 20  2017 02054141.001.52628.fcs

Download Multiple Files

Python - Download Multiple Files

if os.path.exists("output"):
file_paths = [
for file_path in file_paths:
    api_file_download(USERNAME, PASSWORD, file_path, "output")
os.system("ls -lt output")
02054141.001.52628.fcs                          100%  236KB             --:--    
Completed: 236K bytes transferred in 0 seconds
 (4319K bits/sec), in 1 file.
02054142.001.52644.fcs                          100% 1487KB             --:--    
Completed: 1487K bytes transferred in 0 seconds
 (13984K bits/sec), in 1 file.
02054151.001.52646.fcs                          100%  236KB             --:--    
Completed: 236K bytes transferred in 0 seconds
 (4637K bits/sec), in 1 file.
total 2032
-rw-rw---- 2 user user   29864 Jun 15 09:40 aspera-scp-transfer.0.log
-rw-rw---- 2 user user   29864 Jun 15 09:40 aspera-scp-transfer.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 1523228 Apr 20  2017 02054142.001.52644.fcs
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user  242048 Apr 20  2017 02054151.001.52646.fcs
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user  242048 Apr 20  2017 02054141.001.52628.fcs