
Bioinformatician A person practiced in using computers, databases, and math to organize and analyze biological, medical, and health information. (NCI)
Biostatistician A person who is responsible for the statistical aspects of the clinical or pre-clinical study. (NCI)
Clinical Coordinator A person to whom a clinical investigator delegates a few of the routine administrative requirements of a protocol. The duties and responsibilities of a clinical research coordinator may vary across different infrastructures. Generally, the coordinator manages the subject's clinical trial participation and provides a vital linkage between the subject, the investigator, and the sponsor. (NCI)
Co-Principal Investigator A person who shares the primary responsibility for the preparation, conduct, and administration of a research grant, cooperative agreement, or other sponsored project in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and institutional policy governing the conduct of clinical research. (SNOMEDCT_US)
Consultant An advisor participating in the service by performing evaluations and making recommendations,(HL7V3.0). Individuals referred to for expert or professional advice or services. (MSH)
Corresponding Author An indication that the specific author is considered the corresponding author.
Data Base Management Database management involves the design and maintenance of electronic data storage systems to facilitate and optimize the categorization, selection, and retrieval of information. (NCI)
Group Coordinator A person that is responsible for the integration and interaction of work or events from an assembly of different people with diverse interests and operations.
Investigator An individual who conducts scientific research. In a clinical setting this individual actually conducts and/or supervises the clinical investigation and study-related procedures. The investigator monitors the safety of the trial subjects and investigational staff (under whose immediate direction an agent is administered or dispensed to a subject). The investigator collects and analyses data and study documents, and provides reports in compliance with applicable requirements.
Laboratory Personnel Professionals, technicians, and assistants staffing LABORATORIES. (MSH)
Manager Someone (or something) that controls, directs, and organizes people, resources, or processes. (NCI)
Medical Monitor Person employed by the sponsor or clinical research organization, who is responsible for determining that a clinical study is being conducted in accordance with the protocol. A monitor's duties may include, but are not limited to, helping to plan and initiate a trial, assessing the conduct of trial, assisting in data analysis, interpretation, and extrapolation. Monitor has medical authority for the checking data and documentation from the trial and for the evaluation of its safety aspects.
Other A person having a Role that is some Other value not in CV Terms.
Principal Investigator A responsible party role played by a person responsible for the overall conduct of a study.
Program Director A professional who holds a leadership administrative, research, or academic position within a scientific program. A program director is responsible for the overall direction in the conduct of research; provision and coordination of training and education; operations, staffing, and maintenance of research facilities; development of new research activities; developing and maintaining relationships with other agencies, programs, scientific centers and departments, as well as with communities. [Definition Source: NCI]
Protocol Chair A person at the primary location of research that retains the responsibility for regulation compliance and ensures the proper administration of the objectives, study design, and methodology of study. (NCI)
responsible party role The person or organization that has primary responsibility for the act. The responsible party is not necessarily present in an action, but is accountable for the action through the power to delegate, and the duty to review actions with the performing actor after the fact. This responsibility may be ethical, legal, contractual, fiscal, or fiduciary in nature. Example:A person who is the head of a biochemical laboratory; a sponsor for a policy or government program. (HL7V3.0)
Site Manager Someone (or something) that controls, directs, and organizes people, resources, or processes.
Sub-Investigator A worker role authorized to make study-related decisions and carry out tasks related to the study; this role occurs during the study timeline.