
Name subjectHumans.txt
Type combined-result
Schema Version 3.36
Description The subject human template defines and annotates key elements of study subjects including demographics and links subjects to an arm within a study.
Template ColumnRequiredDescription
Subject ID True The subject defined ID is an identifier chosen by the data provider to refer to a subject. This ID may be referenced by other data records (e.g. biological sample). The user defined ID is not shared. For human subjects, the ID should not be identifying.
Gender False A list of preferred terms is available.
Min Subject Age False The subject age at the outset of the study may be determined form one of several study milestones as indicated in the Age Event column.
Max Subject Age False The subject age at the end of the study may be determined form one of several study milestones.
Age Unit False A list of preferred terms is available. The age unit must conform to the age unit assigned to the study.
Age Event False A list of preferred terms is available.
Age Event Specify False This column supports providing study milestones for subject's age determination that ImmPort does not support.
Subject Phenotype False The subject phenotype captures key aspects of the subject's disposition for the study.
Subject Location False A list of subject locations is available.
Ethnicity False A list of preferred terms is available.
Race False A list of preferred terms is available.
Race Specify False This column supports providing subject race descriptions that ImmPort does not support.
Description False The subject description may be used to augment the arm or cohort based description of a subject.
Arm Or Cohort ID True A subject may be assigned to a single arm within a study. When subjects are initially uploaded to ImmPort, they may be assigned to a single study's arm.
Result Separator Column False This pseudo column separates meta data from results.
Exposure Process Reported True This identifies the type of process through which a host is exposed and the type of evidence for that exposure to have happened, which are tightly intertwined. This is the only element of the four that is always mandatory. Please select an exposure process from the list provided if the process matches yours or enter a exposure process if there is not an appropriate one provided. This exposure process is visible when the result is shared. The value provided by the user is further checked against the pref mapping table lk_exposure_process_pref_map.
Exposure Material Reported False This describes what substance(s) the host is exposed to and/or develops immune reactions to as part of the exposure process. Please select an exposure material from the list provided if the exposure material matches yours or enter a exposure material if there is not an appropriate one provided. This exposure material is visible when the result is shared. The value provided by the user is further checked against the pref mapping table lk_exposure_material_pref_map.
Exposure Material ID False The NCBI or Vaccine Ontology ID associated with the exposure material. If the Exposure Material Reported is not a preferred value, then the Exposure Material ID must be provided. If the Exposure Material Reported is a preferred value, then the Exposure Material ID will be automatically be the ID associated with the preferred value and user will NOT need to supply this ID.
Disease Reported False This indicates the specific disease of the host associated with the exposure. Please select a disease from the list provided if the disease matches yours or enter a disease if there is not an appropriate one provided. This disease is visible when the result is shared. The Value provide by the user is further checked against the pref mapping table lk_study_condition_pref_mappng.
Disease Ontology ID False The NCBI Disease Ontology ID associated with the disease. If the Disease Reported is not a preferred value, then the Disease Ontology ID must be provided. If the disease is a preferred value, then the Disease Ontology ID will be the DOID associated with the preferred value.
Disease Stage Reported False This provides a broad classification of how the disease has progressed. Please select a disease stage from the list provided if the disease stage matches yours or enter a disease stage if there is not an appropriate one provided. This disease stage is visible when the result is shared.