
Name RNA_SEQ_Results.txt
Type multiple
Schema Version 3.36
Description The RNA sequencing Transcripts results experiment sample template defines and annotates the assay results for a sample by linking sample, experiment, and results together.
Template ColumnRequiredDescription
Expsample ID True The experiment sample identifier must be stored in ImmPort or in the experimentsamples.txt template.
Reference Transcript ID True The NCBI ID for the transcript/gene. Either the NCBI ID or the Ensembl ID must be provided.
Repository Name True The public repository name for the transcript (for example, Ensembl or NCBI Gene).
Transcript Type Reported True The type of transcript reported.
Result Unit Reported True The unit for the result_value.
Value Reported True The transcripts or gene count for the transcript.
Comments False Comments captures additional descriptive information that is added to the result.