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All requests to the Batch Updater API require authentication. The Batch Updater API uses tokens for authentication.

Users can obtain tokens by posting to the ImmPort Authentication URL with a username and password.

This can be done by executing the following curl command:

Shell Command

  "status" : 200,
  "token" : "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXV............"

The token returned is a JWT token. (You can go to the JWT token URL and enter the token got from the above endpoint. This will give the information that the token contains. The token has information about the username, roles, permissions for the user.

The token must be used to initiate a API request within 60 secs. After 60 secs the token will be invalid and the user will need to get a new token. But once the GET endpoint is initiated then the token will be valid throughout the entire api request endpoint and does not become invalid until the response is returned.

Using the Authentication Token

All API requests require authentication. They must include the authentication token as an Authorization: bearer in the custom HTTP header.

In the following example, an authentication token is saved as an environment variable (token) and passed to the HTTP header in the curl command to get back the generated documentation specific to a workspace.

The following is an example of a request to the documentation generation endpoint with a single parameter (WORKSPACE_ID=REPLACE_WITH_WORKSPACE_ID).

Shell Script - Retrieve Templates


export token=`curl -X POST -d username="REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME" -d password="REPLACE_WITH_PASSWORD" 2>&1 | fgrep '"access_token"' | sed -e 's/^.*"access_token":"//;s/".*$//'`

curl -k -H "Authorization: bearer $token"

The first line is a POST to the authentication URL with the username and password to get an authentication token. The fgrep command is used search the response for a token and then assign the value of the token to an environment variable named "token".

The second line is a Non-POST endpoint on the URL with the parameter REPLACE_WITH_WORKSPACE_ID. The authentication token ("token") is passed in the HTTP header as shown.

The response will return zip-file containing the template documentation specific to workspace whose workspace_id = REPLACE_WITH_WORKSPACE_ID.

The above shell script or any code starting with #!/bin/bash can be copied to a .sh file (e.g. )and executed at the command prompt of a terminal and the output can be directed to a file. (Please replace the REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME with your username and REPLACE_WITH_PASSWORD with your password.)

./ >