API Format and Endpoints

Posting updates/validation and acquiring information about them in the Data Batch Updater API is accomplished by making calls to the API endpoints.

The HTTP URL that corresponds to the Data Batch Updater API endpoint is specified as follows:

[-X POST] -H "Authorization: bearer $token" [-F Parameterization...] https://immport-upload.niaid.nih.gov:9443/data/batch/updater...

The components of the endpoint may require a POST endpoint [-X POST], -F parameterization [-F Parameterization..], or a completion of the endpoint .... All this information is presented in the table below. The authorization token -H "Authorization: bearer $token" is described Section Sample Request with Authentication below. Each POST endpoint is parameterized using -F parameterization, while non-POST endpoints have an inline parameter except for the workspaces endpoint.

Each Data Batch Updater API endpoint represents a specific batch updater action, for example, data batch update, data batch update validation, documentation generation, etc.

In the Examples below, the value REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME will be testuser. Also, the -F parameter uploadPurpose where it appears below MUST BE as provided and should NOT be modified.

Endpoint POST Description HTTP URL -F Parameterization
Documentation Generation No Generate documenation templates https://immport-upload.niaid.nih.gov:9443/data/batch/updater/documentation/templates
Batch Update Upload Yes Request upload of a zip-file; transfers file and creates upload registration and performs batch update requested https://immport-upload.niaid.nih.gov:9443/data/batch/updater -F "workspaceId=WORKSPACE_ID" -F "packageName=" -F "uploadNotes=UPLOAD_NOTES" -F "uploadPurpose=batchUpdateUpload" -F "serverName=SERVER_NAME" -F "file=@UPLOAD_BATCH_UPDATER_FILE_PATH_ON_CLIENT"
Batch Update Upload for Validation Yes Batch update validation is a two step process where the batch update file is uploaded to the server and the upload registration generated (this endpoint), and then the validation is requested (see Validation of Upload Ticket endpoint) https://immport-upload.niaid.nih.gov:9443/data/batch/updater -F "workspaceId=WORKSPACE_ID" -F "packageName=" -F "uploadNotes=UPLOAD_NOTES" -F "uploadPurpose=batchUpdateValidate" -F "serverName=SERVER_NAME" -F "file=@UPLOAD_BATCH_UPDATER_FILE_PATH_ON_CLIENT"
Validation of Upload Ticket Yes Validaton a batch updater file that is identified by the upload ticket number; Note this endpoint uses the -F paramter, -F "uploadTicketNumber=UPLOAD_TICKET_NUMBER" https://immport-upload.niaid.nih.gov:9443/data/batch/updater/validation -F "uploadTicketNumber=UPLOAD_TICKET_NUMBER"
Status of Upload Ticket No Return the current status of an upload ticket (UPLOAD_TICKET_NUMBER) https://immport-upload.niaid.nih.gov:9443/data/batch/updater/registration/UPLOAD_TICKET_NUMBER/status
Summary Information on Upload Ticket No On completed jobs (either Completed or Rejected), provide the informaton on the upload ticket (UPLOAD_TICKET_NUMBER) https://immport-upload.niaid.nih.gov:9443/data/batch/updater/registration/UPLOAD_TICKET_NUMBER/summary
Database Information on Upload Ticket No On completed jobs (Completed only) provide database information (UPLOAD_TICKET_NUMBER) https://immport-upload.niaid.nih.gov:9443/data/batch/updater/registration/UPLOAD_TICKET_NUMBER/database
Set of Workspaces No Return the set of workspace(s) on which a user can perform and upload or validation https://immport-upload.niaid.nih.gov:9443/workspaces