Submission Templates
Primary Templates
Data Type | Purpose | Template | Required Data |
All Templates | Download a zip file containing all templates | |
Basic Study | Describes a study in terms of title, goals, endpoints, criteria for study participation, subject grouping (arms or cohorts), personnel, planned visits or encounters and protocols using a single worksheet. A study design and protocol should be uploaded first. |
basic_study_design.xlsx basic_study_design.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the study. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Edit Study Design | Update a study design, add files, publications, or subjects. A study design should be uploaded first. |
study_design_edit.xlsx study_design_edit.txt |
Subjects | Subjects may be patients or animals from which samples are taken for analysis. Two .xlsx templates (one for human and one for animal subjects) are available for recording subject information. | subjectHumans.xlsx subjectAnimals.xlsx subjectHumans.txt subjectAnimals.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the study subjects. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Clinical Lab Test | Captures the Lab Test User-Defined ID, Lab Panel ID, Biological Sample ID, Lab Test Name, Result Value and Result Unit for lab tests. | labTests.xlsx labTests.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the lab tests. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Assessment | Captures the Subject ID, Panel ID, User Defined ID, Planned Visit ID, Component Name, and Study Day for assessments. | assessments.xlsx assessments.txt |
Assessment Component | Captures the User Defined ID, Assessment Panel ID, Subject ID, Planned Visit ID, Name, and Study Day for assessment components. | assessmentcomponent.xlsx assessmentcomponent.txt |
Assessment Panel | Captures the User Defined ID, Study ID, and Name for assessment panels. | assessmentpanel.xlsx assessmentpanel.txt |
Intervention | Captures the study indicated interventions, concomitant medications, and substance use for subjects in a study. | interventions.xlsx interventions.txt |
Adverse Events | Captures the adverse events reported during a study. | adverseEvents.xlsx adverseEvents.txt |
CYTOF Assays | Describes the samples, reagents, and results from a CYTOF experiment. May be used to describe experiments and biological samples. |
experimentSamples. CYTOF.xlsx experimentSamples. CYTOF.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a CyTOF (Mass cytometry) experiment. | reagents.CyTOF.xlsx reagents.CyTOF.txt |
Groups of reagents used together in an assay may be defined as a reagent set to simply referring to reagents. | reagent_sets.xlsx reagent_sets.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
Describe CyTOF (Mass Cytometry) results in a format to facilitate sharing of results. | CyTOF_Derived_data.xlsx CyTOF_Derived_data.txt |
ELISA Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from an ELISA experiment. May be used to describe experiments, biological samples, and report results. |
experimentSamples. ELISA.xlsx experimentSamples. ELISA.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in an ELISA experiment. | reagents.ELISA.xlsx reagents.ELISA.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
ELISPOT Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from an ELISPOT experiment. May be used to describe experiments, biological samples, and report results. |
experimentSamples. ELISPOT.xlsx experimentSamples. ELISPOT.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in an ELISPOT experiment. | reagents.ELISPOT.xlsx reagents.ELISPOT.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
Flow Cytometry Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a Flow Cytometry experiment. | experimentSamples. Flow_Cytometry.xlsx experimentSamples. Flow_Cytometry.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in an Flow Cytometry experiment. | reagents.Flow_Cytometry.xlsx reagents.Flow_Cytometry.txt |
Groups of reagents used together in an assay may be defined as a reagent set to simply referring to reagents. | reagent_sets.xlsx reagent_sets.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
A form to describe Flow Cytometry results in a format to facilitate sharing of results. | FCM_Derived_data.xlsx FCM_Derived_data.txt |
Gene Expression Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a Gene Expression experiment. | experimentSamples.Gene_Expression_Array.xlsx experimentSamples.Gene_Expression_Array.txt experimentSamples.RNA_Sequencing.xlsx experimentSamples.RNA_Sequencing.txt |
Lists the results associated with the experiments. Results may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | RNA_SEQ_Results.xlsx RNA_SEQ_Results.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a Gene Expression experiment. | reagents.Array.xlsx reagents.Array.txt reagents.Sequencing.xlsx reagents.Sequencing.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
Captures information on the public repository name and accession linked to ImmPort data. | publicRepositories.xlsx publicRepositories.txt |
Genotyping Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a Genotyping experiment. | experimentSamples.Genotyping_Array.xlsx experimentSamples.Genotyping_Array.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a Genotyping experiment. | reagents.Array.xlsx reagents.Array.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
Captures information on the public repository name and accession linked to ImmPort data. | publicRepositories.xlsx publicRepositories.txt |
Hemaglutinnation Inhibition Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a HAI experiment. | experimentSamples.HAI.xlsx experimentSamples.HAI.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a HAI experiment. | reagents.HAI.xlsx reagents.HAI.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
HLA Typing Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a HLA typing experiment. | experimentSamples.HLA.xlsx experimentSamples.HLA.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a HLA typing experiment. | reagents.HLA_Typing.xlsx reagents.HLA_Typing.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
A form to describe HLA typing results in a format to facilitate sharing of results. | HLA_Typing.xlsx HLA_Typing.txt |
Image Histology | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a Image Histology experiment. | experimentSamples. Image_Histology.xlsx experimentSamples. Image_Histology.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a Image Histology experiment. | reagents.Other.xlsx reagents.Other.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
KIR Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a KIR typing experiment. | experimentSamples.KIR.xlsx experimentSamples.KIR.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a KIR typing experiment. | reagents.KIR_Typing.xlsx reagents.KIR_Typing.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
A form to describe KIR typing results in a format to facilitate sharing of results. | KIR_Typing.xlsx KIR_Typing.txt |
Metabolomics Mass Spectrometry Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a metabolomics mass spectrometry experiment. | experimentSamples. Mass_Spectrometry.xlsx experimentSamples. Mass_Spectrometry.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a Image Histology experiment. | reagents.Other.xlsx reagents.Other.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
A form to describe Metabolomics Mass Spectrometry Assay results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. | Mass_Spectrometry_Metabolomic_Results.xlsx Mass_Spectrometry_Metabolomic_Results.txt |
Multiplex Bead Array Assays (MBAA) Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, treatments, and results from a MBAA experiment. | experimentSamples.MBAA.xlsx experimentSamples.MBAA.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a MBAA experiment. | reagents.MBAA.xlsx reagents.MBAA.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
A form to describe control samples in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. | controlSamples.xlsx controlSamples.txt |
A form to describe a standard curve in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. | standardCurves.xlsx standardCurves.txt |
A form to describe MBAA results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. | MBAA_Results.xlsx MBAA_Results.txt |
Neutralizing Antibody Titer Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a Neutralizing Antibody Titer experiment. The literature uses a number of terms to describe similar assay methods and ImmPort employs some of these assay names. | experimentSamples. Neutralizing_Antibody_Titer.xlsx experimentSamples. Neutralizing_Antibody_Titer.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a Neutralizing Antibody Titer experiment. | reagents. Neutralizing_Antibody_Titer.xlsx reagents. Neutralizing_Antibody_Titer.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
Proteomics Mass Spectrometry Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a proteomics mass spectrometry experiment. | experimentSamples. Mass_Spectrometry_Proteomics.xlsx experimentSamples. Mass_Spectrometry_Proteomics.txt |
A form to describe Proteomics Mass Spectrometry Assay results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. | Mass_Spectrometry_Proteomic_Results.xlsx Mass_Spectrometry_Proteomic_Results.txt |
QRT-PCR Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a quantitative PCR experiment. | experimentSamples.QRT-PCR.xlsx experimentSamples.QRT-PCR.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a PCR experiment. | reagents. PCR.xlsx reagents. PCR.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
Other Assays | Captures the samples, reagents, and results from an experiment type not characterized by ImmPort. | experimentSamples.Other.xlsx experimentSamples.Other.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in an experiment. Since different analysis platforms employ very different reagents, the reagents.xlsx file contains several tabs for entering platform specific details of the reagents that were used. | reagents.Other.xlsx reagents.Other.txt |
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. | treatments.xlsx treatments.txt |
Standalone Templates
Data Type | Purpose | Template | Required Data |
Standalone Templates | Purpose | Spreadsheet Template | Required Data to Complete Metadata Form |
Biological Samples | Describe the samples used for experiments or lab tests. N.B. Samples may also be described in the experiment sample template. |
bioSamples.xlsx bioSamples.txt |
Experiments | Describes the type of experiment, measurement technique and protocols used in the experiment. N.B. Experiments may also be described in the experiment sample templates. |
experiments.xlsx experiments.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
ELISA Derived and Interpreted Results | A form to describe ELISA results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. | ELISA_Results.xlsx ELISA_Results.txt |
ELISPOT Derived and Interpreted Results | A form to describe ELISPOT results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. | ELISPOT_Results.xlsx ELISPOT_Results.txt |
Hemaglutinnation Inhibition Derived and Interpreted Results | A form to describe HAI results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. | HAI_Results.xlsx HAI_Results.txt |
Immune Exposure | Captures information about the type of process through which a host is exposed and the type of evidence for that exposure. | immuneExposure.xlsx immuneExposure.txt |
Lab Test Panels | Captures the Lab Panel Name, Study ID and Protocol ID for lab tests. | labTestPanels.xlsx labTestPanels.txt |
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. | protocols.xlsx protocols.txt |
Lab Test Results | Captures the Lab Panel ID, Biosample ID, Name, Result Value, and Result Unit for lab tests. | labTest_Results.xlsx labTest_Results.txt |
Reagents Sequencing | Captures detailed information about the reagents used in an experiment. Since different analysis platforms employ very different reagents, the reagents.xlsx file contains several tabs for entering platform specific details of the reagents that were used. | reagents.Sequencing.xlsx reagents.Sequencing.txt |
PCR Derived and Interpreted Results | A form to describe PCR results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. | PCR_Results.xlsx PCR_Results.txt |
Virus Neutralization Titers Derived and Interpreted Results | A form to describe the interpeted results of sample (e.g. serum) dilution series to quantitate the viral neutralizing activity of a sample. The Virus Neutralization Results capture the interpreted titer results in a commonly used format that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. | Virus_Neutralization_Results.xls Virus_Neutralization_Results.txt |
JSON Templates
In addition to the text/excel based templates, the ImmPort data submission process supports JSON templates to submit data. The JSON templates are defined using JSON Schema. If you unfamiliar with JSON Schema, a good source of information is the Understanding JSON Schema tutorial.
For each text/excel template there is a JSON schema version of the template. If you have downloaded the All Templates package:, the JSON templates are in the json-templates folder.
An example zip package of several templates in JSON format ready for submission is available.
For those new to JSON schema, the process of constructing a template for data submission can be little tricky. In most cases, the final template is composed of 2 JSON schema files in the json-templates folder. More complex templates like the basic_study_design.json template, reference several other templates in the json-templates folder.
We will use the subjectsHumans.json template as a representative example for most of the templates, but this template references 3 additional templates.
The top level JSON template contains basic properites that are common to all the templates. The required property identifies all the properties that must be entered. The data property indicated this section contains an array of 1 or more items that are defined in the subjectHumans.Datum.json file. The **#"" sign indicates this section is a reference to another JSON schema file.
"title":"subjectHumans.json template schema",
"description":"The subject human template defines and annotates key elements of study subjects including demographics and links subjects to an arm within a study.",
The JSON schema file subjectHuman.Datum.json, referenced by the subjectsHuman.json schema, includes reference to 2 additional JSON schema files: subjectHumans.MetaData.json and subjectHumansResultData.json. The metaData property references one instance of the subjectHumans.MataData.json file. The resultData property references one or more instances of the subjectHumans.ResultData.json files.
"title":"subjectHumans.json template schema",
"description": "The subject human template defines and annotates key elements of study subjects including demographics and links subjects to an arm within a study.",
This template has properties for basic demographic information about a subject. For several of the properties like gender, ethnicity, etc. notice that the type for these properties are type string with an additional enum property listing the values that can be entered for the gender, ethnicity properties, etc. For some of the type string properties, that allow free text to be entered the maximumn number of characters is indicated by the maxLength property. Properties that require a numberic value have the type as number. The required property at the bottom of the schema definition, indicates which properites must the entered.
"title":"subjectHumans.json template schema",
"description":"The subject human template defines and annotates key elements of study subjects including demographics and links subjects to an arm within a study.",
"type":"string","enum":["Female","Intersex","Male","Not Specified","Other","Prefer Not to Answer","Transgender","Unknown"]
"type":"string","enum":["d.p.c.","Days","Hours","Minutes","Months","Not Specified","Seconds","Weeks","Years"]
"type":"string","enum":["Age at enrollment","Age at infection","Age at initial treatment","Age at initial vaccine administration","Age at Study Day 0","Not Specified","Other","Postmenstrual age"]
"type":"string","enum":["Afghanistan","Albania","Algeria","American Samoa","Andorra","Angola","Antigua and Barbuda","Argentina","Armenia","Australia","Austria","Azerbaijan","Bahamas","Bahrain","Bangladesh","Barbados","Belarus","Belgium","Belize","Benin","Bermuda","Bhutan","Bolivia","Borneo","Bosnia and Herzegovina","Botswana","Brazil","Brunei Darussalam","Bulgaria","Burkina Faso","Burundi","Cambodia","Cameroon","Canada","Cape Verde","Central African Republic","Chad","Chile","China","Colombia","Comoros","Cook Islands","Costa Rica","Croatia","Cuba","Curacao","Czech Republic","Democratic Republic of the Congo","Denmark","Djibouti","Dominica","Dominican Republic","Ecuador","Egypt","El Salvador","England","Equatorial Guinea","Eritrea","Estonia","Ethiopia","Fiji","Finland","Gabon","Gambia","Georgia","Germany","Ghana","Greece","Greenland","Grenada","Guam","Guatemala","Guinea","Guinea-Bissau","Guyana","Haiti","Honduras","Hungary","Iceland","India","Indonesia","Iran","Iraq","Israel","Italy","Ivory Coast","Jamaica","Japan","Java","Jordan","Kazakhstan","Kenya","Kiribati","Kosovo","Kurdistan","Kuwait","Kyrgyzstan","Laos","Latvia","Lebanon","Lesotho","Liberia","Libya","Liechtenstein","Lithuania","Luxembourg","Macedonia","Malawi","Malaysia","Mali","Mauritania","Metropolitan Denmark","Metropolitan France","Metropolitan Norway","Metropolitan Portugal","Metropolitan Spain","Mexico","Moldova","Monaco","Mongolia","Montenegro","Montserrat","Morocco","Mozambique","Myanmar","Namibia","Nauru","Nepal","Netherlands","New Zealand","Nicaragua","Niger","Nigeria","Niue Fekai","North America","North Korea","Northern Ireland","Northern Mariana Islands","Norway","Oman","Other","Pakistan","Palau","Palestinian Territories","Panama","Papua New Guinea","Paraguay","Peru","Philippines","Poland","Puerto Rico","Qatar","Republic of Congo","Republic of Ireland","Romania","Russia","Rwanda","Saint Kitts-Nevis","Saint Lucia","Saint Vincent and the Grenadines","Samoa","San Marino","Sao Tome and Principe","Saudi Arabia","Scotland","Senegal","Serbia","Sierra Leone","Singapore","Slovak Republic","Slovenia","Solomon Islands","Somalia","South Africa","South Korea","South Sudan","Sri Lanka","Sudan","Sumatra","Suriname","Swaziland","Sweden","Switzerland","Syria","Tahiti","Tajikistan","Tanzania","Tawain","Thailand","Timor-Leste","Togo","Tonga","Trinidad and Tobago","Tunisia","Turkey","Turkmenistan","Tuvalu","U.S. Virgin Islands","Uganda","Ukraine","United Arab Emirates","United States of America","Unknown","Uruguay","US: Alabama","US: Alaska","US: Arizona","US: Arkansas","US: California","US: Colorado","US: Connecticut","US: Delaware","US: District of Columbia","US: Florida","US: Georgia","US: Hawaii","US: Idaho","US: Illinois","US: Indiana","US: Iowa","US: Kansas","US: Kentucky","US: Louisiana","US: Maine","US: Maryland","US: Massachusetts","US: Michigan","US: Midwest","US: Minnesota","US: Mississippi","US: Missouri","US: Montana","US: Nebraska","US: Nevada","US: New Hampshire","US: New Jersey","US: New Mexico","US: New York","US: North Carolina","US: North Dakota","US: Northeast","US: Ohio","US: Oklahoma","US: Oregon","US: Pennsylvania","US: Rhode Island","US: South","US: South Carolina","US: South Dakota","US: Tennessee","US: Texas","US: Utah","US: Vermont","US: Virginia","US: Washington","US: West","US: West Virginia","US: Wisconsin","US: Wyoming","Uzbekistan","Vanuatu","Vatican City","Venezuela","Vietnam","Wales","Western Sahara","Yemen","Yugoslavia (formerly)","Zambia","Zimbabwe"]
"type":"string","enum":["Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Specified","Other"]
"type":"string","enum":["American Indian or Alaska Native","Asian","Black or African American","Multiracial","Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander","Not Specified","Other","Unknown","White"]
This template section can be a little confusing but was added to the subject template to capture immune exposure information required by specific large scale studies for HIPC and other consortium. The only required property is **exposureProcessReported".
"title":"subjectHumans.json template schema",
"description":"The subject human template defines and annotates key elements of study subjects including demographics and links subjects to an arm within a study.",
"type":"string","enum":["administering substance in vivo","documented exposure without evidence for disease","environmental exposure to endemic/ubiquitous agent without evidence for disease","exposure to substance without evidence for disease","exposure with existing immune reactivity without evidence for disease","infectious challenge","no exposure","occurrence of allergic disease","occurrence of asymptomatic infection","occurrence of autoimmune disease","occurrence of cancer","occurrence of cancer associated with virus","occurrence of disease","occurrence of infectious disease","solid tissue transplantation","transfusion","transplantation or transfusion","unknown","vaccination"]
"type":"string","enum":["2008-2009 trivalent influenza vaccine ; VO:0004809","2011-2012 trivalent inactivated vaccine (A/California/7/09 (H1N1), A/Perth /16/2009 (H3N2), and B/Brisbane/60/2008) ; VO:0004810","ACWY Vax ; VO:0003138","Ad35.CS.01 malaria vaccine ; VO:0004993","AdCOVID ; VO_0005153","Alternaria alternata ; NCBITaxon:5599","BCG Vaccine ; VO:0000771","Borreliella burgdorferi ; NCBITaxon:139","Chikungunya virus ; NCBITaxon:37124","Chlamydia trachomatis ; NCBITaxon:813","CureVac AG ; VO:0005208","Cytomegalovirus ; NCBITaxon:10358","Dengue virus 1 ; NCBITaxon:11053","Dengue virus 2 ; NCBITaxon:11060","Dengue virus 3 ; NCBITaxon:11069","Dengue virus ; NCBITaxon:12637","diphtheria, tetanus and whole cell pertussis vaccine ; VO:0003106","Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis vaccine ; VO:0000738","Dryvax ; VO:0000035","Engerix-B ; VO:0010711","Fluarix ; VO:0000045","FluMist ; VO:0000044","Fluvirin ; VO:0000046","Fluzone ; VO:0000047","Hepacivirus C ; NCBITaxon:11103","Hepatitis B surface antigen vaccine ; VO_0003150","Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Vaccine Injection [Heplisav-B] ; VO_0003270","Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Vaccine Prefilled Syringe [Engerix-B] ; VO_0003258","Hepatitis B virus ; NCBITaxon:10407","Hepatitis B virus vaccine ; VO_0000644","HEPLISAV-B ; VO:0003152","Human alphaherpesvirus 3 ; NCBITaxon:10335","Human gammaherpesvirus 4 (Epstein-Barr virus) ; NCBITaxon:10376","human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease ; DOID:526","human immunodeficiency virus vaccine ; VO_0000295","Human rhinovirus A16 ; NCBITaxon:31708","inactivated influenza vaccine ; VO_0001176","Influenza A H1N1 2009 Monovalent Vaccine Novartis ; VO:0000081","Influenza A virus (A/California/7/2009(H1N1)) ; NCBITaxon:1316510","Influenza A virus (A/reassortant/FluMist(California/07/2009 x Ann Arbor/6/1960)(H1N1)) ; NCBITaxon:1701435","Influenza A virus ; NCBITaxon:11320","Influenza virus vaccine ; VO:0000642","Influvac ; VO_0000867","Ionizing Radiation ; NCIT:C17052","Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine ; VO:0005159","LC16m8 ; VO:0004091","live attenuated influenza vaccine ; VO_0001178","Menactra ; VO:0000071","Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine, Groups A & C, Menomune A/C ; VO:0010725","Menveo ; VO:0001246","Moderna COVID-19 vaccine ; VO:0005157","MRKAd5 HIV-1 gag/pol/nef ; VO:0003133","MVA85A ; VO:0003120","Mycobacterium tuberculosis ; NCBITaxon:1773","NVX-CoV2373 ; VO:0005155","Other ; Other","Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine ; VO:0005158","P. falciparum RTS,S/AS01 ; VO:0003093","Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine ; VO:0004987","PfSPZ Vaccine ; VO:0004910","PfSPZ-CVac ; VO:0004911","PfSPZ-GA1 ; VO:0004912","Plasmodium coatneyi ; NCBITaxon:208452","Plasmodium cynomolgi strain B ; NCBITaxon:1120755","Plasmodium cynomolgi strain Ceylon ; NCBITaxon:5829","Plasmodium falciparum ; NCBITaxon:5833","Plasmodium falciparum vaccine ; VO:0000087","Plasmodium vivax ; NCBITaxon:5855","Pneumovax 23 ; VO:0000088","quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine ; VO_0010196","Respiratory syncytial virus ; NCBITaxon:12814","rVSV-EBOV ; VO:0004660","SARS Coronavirus 2 B.1.1.529 ; UMLS_CUI:C5564753","SARS Coronavirus 2 BA.1 ; UMLS_CUI:C5706968","SARS Coronavirus 2 BA.2 ; UMLS_CUI:C5670041","SARS Coronavirus 2 BA.3 ; UMLS_CUI:C5706967","SARS Coronavirus 2 BA.4 ; UMLS_CUI:C5706966","SARS Coronavirus 2 BA.5 ; UMLS_CUI:C5706965","SARS Coronavirus 2 C.37 ; UMLS_CUI:C5556619","SARS-CoV-2 ; NCBITaxon:2697049","SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 variant ; UMLS_CUI:C5433393","SARS-CoV-2 B.1.351 variant ; UMLS_CUI:C5433395","SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 lineage ; UMLS_CUI:C5548982","SARS-CoV-2 D614G variant ; UMLS_CUI:C5433391","SARS-CoV-2 Mu variants ; UMLS_CUI:C5564751","SARS-CoV-2 P.1 variant ; UMLS_CUI:C5433398","SARS-CoV-2 P.2 variant ; UMLS_CUI:C5433392","Schistosoma mansoni ; NCBITaxon:6183","Shigella flexneri 2a ; NCBITaxon:42897","Shigella sonnei ; NCBITaxon:624","Sinopharm (BBIBP-CorV) ; VO:0005166","Sputnik V ; VO:0005163","Stamaril ; VO:0003139","Staphylococcus aureus ; NCBITaxon:1280","unidentified ; NCBITaxon:32644","Vaccinia virus LC16M8 ; NCBITaxon:10248","Varicella-zoster virus vaccine ; VO:0000669","West Nile virus ; NCBITaxon:11082","Yellow fever 17D vaccine vector ; VO:0000122","YF-Vax ; VO:0000121","Zika virus ; NCBITaxon:64320","Zostavax ; VO:0000124"]
"type":"string","enum":["acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ; DOID:635","acute disseminated encephalomyelitis ; DOID:639","Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ; C3353","Addison's disease ; DOID:13774","Aging ; NCIT:C16269","alcohol dependence ; DOID:0050741","alcohol use disorder ; DOID:1574","allergic hypersensitivity disease ; DOID:1205","allergic rhinitis ; DOID:4481","alopecia areata ; DOID:986","Alzheimer's disease ; DOID:10652","anemia ; DOID:2355","Angina ; NCIT:C51221","anthrax disease ; DOID:7427","antiphospholipid syndrome ; DOID:2988","antisynthetase syndrome ; DOID:0080744","anxiety disorder ; DOID:2030","arrhythmia ; SYMP:0000287","aspiration pneumonia ; DOID:0050152","asthma ; DOID:2841","atopic dermatitis ; DOID:3310","atrial fibrillation ; DOID:0060224","autoimmune cardiomyopathy ; DOID:0040095","autoimmune cholangitis ; DOID:0080742","autoimmune disease ; DOID:417","autoimmune disease of endocrine system ; DOID:0060005","autoimmune disease of musculoskeletal system ; DOID:0060032","autoimmune glomerulonephritis ; DOID:0040094","autoimmune hemolytic anemia ; DOID:718","autoimmune hepatitis ; DOID:2048","autoimmune peripheral neuropathy ; DOID:0040087","autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura ; DOID:8924","avian influenza ; DOID:4492","Bariatric Surgery ; NCIT:C84399","Bilateral pleural effusion (disorder) ; SNOMEDCT:425802001","biliary atresia ; DOID:13608","blood coagulation disease ; DOID:1247","Blood Transfusion ; NCIT:C15192","bone development disease ; DOID:0080006","bone disease ; DOID:0080001","brain glioblastoma multiforme ; DOID:3073","brain glioma ; DOID:0060108","breast cancer ; DOID:1612","bronchiectasis ; DOID:9563","bronchiolitis ; DOID:2942","bronchitis ; DOID:6132","Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia ; NCIT:C90599","bullous skin disease ; DOID:8502","cancer ; DOID:162","cardiac arrest ; DOID:0060319","cardiomyopathy ; DOID:0050700","cardiovascular system disease ; DOID:1287","celiac disease ; DOID:10608","Cephalohematoma ; NCIT:C50484","cerebral palsy ; DOID:1969","cerebrovascular disease ; DOID:6713","chickenpox ; DOID:8659","chikungunya ; DOID:0050012","childhood type dermatomyositis ; DOID:14203","chlamydia ; DOID:11263","choledochal cyst ; DOID:899","cholera ; DOID:1498","chorioamnionitis ; DOID:0050697","chromosomal disease ; DOID:0080014","chronic disease course ; OGMS:0000064","chronic kidney disease ; DOID:784","Chronic Liver Disease ; NCIT:C113609","chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ; DOID:3083","chronic plaque psoriasis ; N/A","Chronic Sinusitis ; NCIT:C35151","chronic spontaneous urticaria ; DOID:0080749","cirrhosis ; DOID:5082","clinically isolated syndrome ; N/A","Clostridium difficile colitis ; DOID:0060185","colitis ; DOID:0060180","colorectal cancer ; DOID:9256","common variable immunodeficiency ; DOID:12177","congenital adrenal insufficiency ; DOID:0050546","congenital heart disease ; DOID:1682","congenital syphilis ; DOID:9856","congestive heart failure ; DOID:6000","conjunctivitis ; DOID:6195","connective tissue disease ; DOID:65","coronary artery disease ; DOID:3393","COVID-19 ; DOID:0080600","COVID-19-Associated Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ; C171551","cranial nerve disease ; DOID:5656","critical COVID-19 ; DOID:0081012","Crohn's disease ; DOID:8778","cutaneous lupus erythematosus ; DOID:0050169","cystic fibrosis ; DOID:1485","cystic kidney disease ; DOID:2975","cystinosis ; DOID:1064","Cytogenetically Normal Acute Myeloid Leukemia ; NCIT:C122687","Cytomegaloviral Infection ; NCIT:C53649","dementia ; DOID:1307","Dementia with psychosis ; UMLS CUI:C0543884","dengue disease ; DOID:12205","dengue hemorrhagic fever ; DOID:12206","Dependence on peritoneal dialysis due to end stage renal disease ; SNOMEDCT:428937001","dermatomyositis ; DOID:10223","dermatophytosis ; DOID:8913","developmental disorder of mental health ; DOID:0060037","diabetes mellitus ; DOID:9351","diphtheria ; DOID:11405","disease ; DOID:4","disease by infectious agent ; DOID:0050117","disease of metabolism ; DOID:0014667","diverticulitis ; DOID:7475","Dyspnea with Mild Physical Activity ; NCIT_C191546","Dyspnea with Moderate Physical Activity ; NCIT_C191547","Ebola hemorrhagic fever ; DOID:4325","EBV Infection ; NCIT:C38759","EBV-Related Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder ; NCIT:C27696","eczema herpeticum ; DOID:9123","eczema vaccinatum ; N/A","egg allergy ; DOID:4377","encephalitis ; DOID:9588","end stage renal disease ; DOID:783","endocarditis ; DOID:10314","eosinophilic esophagitis ; DOID:13922","epidermolysis bullosa ; DOID:2730","epilepsy ; DOID:1826","Escherichia Coli Infection ; NCIT:C34594","esophageal atresia ; DOID:10485","esophageal atresia/tracheoesophageal fistula ; DOID:0080171","Failure to Thrive ; NCIT:C107587","Family Medical History ; NCIT:C17726","fibromyalgia ; DOID:631","focal segmental glomerulosclerosis ; DOID:1312","food allergy ; DOID:3044","gastroesophageal reflux disease ; DOID:8534","glioblastoma ; DOID:3068","Goodpasture syndrome ; DOID:9808","granulomatosis with polyangiitis ; DOID:12132","Graves' disease ; DOID:12361","Guillain-Barre syndrome ; DOID:12842","haemophilus meningitis ; DOID:0080179","healthy ; NCIT:C115935","Heart Failure ; NCIT:C50577","Heart Transplantation ; NCIT:C15246","Helicobacter Pylori Infection ; NCIT:C39293","hematologic cancer ; DOID:2531","hematopoietic system disease ; DOID:74","hemiplegia ; DOID:10969","hemoglobinopathy ; DOID:2860","hemolytic-uremic syndrome ; DOID:12554","hepatitis ; DOID:2237","hepatitis A ; DOID:12549","hepatitis B ; DOID:2043","hepatitis C ; DOID:1883","herpes zoster ; DOID:8536","human cytomegalovirus infection ; DOID:0080827","human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease ; DOID:526","hydronephrosis ; DOID:11111","hypertension ; DOID:10763","Hypertension not adequately controlled ; UMLS CUI:C0857354","hypoglycemia ; DOID:9993","Hyponatremia ; NCIT:C37976","hypothyroidism ; DOID:1459","hysterectomy history ; OBI:0002398","ichthyosis ; DOID:1697","idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ; DOID:0050156","Immunocompromised ; NCIT:C14139","Immunologic Tolerance ; NCIT:C17712","Immunosuppressive Disorder ; C178942","inflammatory bowel disease ; DOID:0050589","Inflammatory Disorder ; C93210","influenza ; DOID:8469","interstitial lung disease ; DOID:3082","interstitial nephritis ; DOID:1063","intestinal infectious disease ; DOID:100","Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea ; SNOMEDCT:197125005","juvenile rheumatoid arthritis ; DOID:676","keratoconjunctivitis sicca ; DOID:12895","kidney cortex necrosis ; DOID:2973","kidney disease ; DOID:557","kidney failure ; DOID:1074","Kidney Transplantation ; NCIT:C15265","Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome ; DOID:0050214","laryngomalacia ; DOID:0080833","leukemia ; DOID:1240","lichen planus ; DOID:9201","Listeria meningitis ; DOID:11572","liver cancer ; DOID:3571","liver disease ; DOID:409","Liver Transplantation ; NCIT:C15271","localized scleroderma ; DOID:8472","lung adenocarcinoma ; DOID:3910","lung cancer ; DOID:1324","lung disease ; DOID:850","Lung Transplantation ; NCIT:C15274","lupus erythematosus ; DOID:8857","lupus nephritis ; DOID:0080162","Lyme disease ; DOID:11729","lymphocytic choriomeningitis ; DOID:12155","lymphoma ; DOID:0060058","malaria ; DOID:12365","Malignant Gastric Neoplasm ; NCIT:C9331","Malignant Lung Neoplasm ; NCIT:C7377","measles ; DOID:8622","meningitis ; DOID:9471","meningococcal meningitis ; DOID:0080176","meningoencephalitis ; DOID:10554","mental depression ; DOID:1596","MERS-CoV ; SNOMEDCT:697932005","Metabolic Syndrome ; NCIT:C84442","milk allergy ; DOID:4376","miscarriage ; SYMP:0000198","mitral valve insufficiency ; DOID:11502","mixed connective tissue disease ; DOID:3492","molluscum contagiosum ; DOID:8867","multiple myeloma ; DOID:9538","Multiple Pulmonary Nodules ; NCIT:C122408","multiple sclerosis ; DOID:2377","mumps ; DOID:10264","muscle invasive bladder cancer ; N/A","muscular dystrophy ; DOID:9884","musculoskeletal system disease ; DOID:17","myasthenia gravis ; DOID:437","myocardial infarction ; DOID:5844","myocarditis ; DOID:820","narcolepsy ; DOID:8986","neonatal candidiasis ; DOID:9577","Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy ; NCIT:C119751","neoplastic, metastatic ; PATO:0002098","nephrolithiasis ; DOID:585","Nephrostomy tube (physical object) ; SNOMEDCT:286628000","nephrotic syndrome ; DOID:1184","nervous system disease ; DOID:863","neurofibromatosis 1 ; DOID:0111253","neuromuscular disease ; DOID:440","neuromyelitis optica ; DOID:8869","Newcastle disease ; DOID:2929","non-severe COVID-19 ; DOID:0081014","Not Applicable ; NCIT_C48660","Not Specified ; NCIT_C38046","nutritional deficiency disease ; DOID:5113","obesity ; DOID:9970","optic nerve glioma ; DOID:4992","optic neuritis ; DOID:1210","osteoarthritis ; DOID:8398","Pancreas Transplantation ; NCIT:C15293","pancreatic cancer ; DOID:1793","Pancreatic Islet Transplantation ; NCIT:C15352","panniculitis ; DOID:1526","paraplegia ; DOID:607","Parkinson's disease ; DOID:14330","Partial Small Intestine Resection ; NCIT:C51512","peanut allergy ; DOID:4378","Pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome ; C000631768","pemphigus vulgaris ; DOID:0060851","peptic ulcer disease ; DOID:750","Perennial Allergic Rhinitis ; NCIT:C92189","perinatal necrotizing enterocolitis ; DOID:8677","peripheral vascular disease ; DOID:341","Peritoneal Dialysis ; NCIT:C15297","pernicious anemia ; DOID:13381","pertussis ; DOID:1116","pervasive developmental disorder ; DOID:0060040","pharyngitis ; DOID:2275","physical disorder ; DOID:0080015","pituitary gland disease ; DOID:53","placenta disease ; DOID:780","plague ; DOID:3482","Plasmodium falciparum malaria ; DOID:14067","Plasmodium vivax malaria ; DOID:12978","Pleural effusions, chronic ; UMLS CUI:C0747636","pneumonia ; DOID:552","polymyalgia rheumatica ; DOID:853","polymyositis ; DOID:0080745","portal vein thrombosis ; DOID:11695","Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 ; NCIT_C179263","Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder ; NCIT:C4727","post-traumatic stress disorder ; DOID:2055","postinfectious encephalitis ; DOID:10993","pre-eclampsia ; DOID:10591","Pregnancy ; NCIT:C25742","Prenatal maternal abnormality ; HP:0002686","Preterm Birth ; NCIT:C92861","Previous ; NCIT:C25627","primary biliary cholangitis ; DOID:12236","primary immunodeficiency disease ; DOID:612","primary sclerosing cholangitis ; DOID:0060643","Primary Sjogren Syndrome ; NCIT:C116985","proctitis ; DOID:3127","psoriasis ; DOID:8893","psoriatic arthritis ; DOID:9008","Psychiatric Disorder ; NCIT:C2893","psychotic disorder ; DOID:2468","pulmonary hypertension ; DOID:6432","pustulosis of palm and sole ; DOID:4398","Radiation Exposure ; NCIT:C61398","Radiation Sickness Syndrome ; NCIT:C50723","Raynaud disease ; DOID:10300","recent ; PATO:0001484","Recurrent pregnancy loss ; C2921106","Recurrent urinary tract infections ; HP:0000010","relapse ; OGMS:0000105","relapsing polychondritis ; DOID:2556","renal artery obstruction ; DOID:2972","Reproductive Surgery ; NCIT:C157970","respiratory syncytial virus infectious disease ; DOID:1273","Rheumatic Disease ; DOID_1575","rheumatic heart disease ; DOID:0050827","rheumatoid arthritis ; DOID:7148","rhinitis ; DOID:4483","Rhinovirus Infection ; NCIT:C122572","rubella ; DOID:8781","salmonellosis ; DOID:0060859","sarcoidosis ; DOID:11335","sarcoma ; DOID:1115","schistosomiasis ; DOID:1395","scleroderma ; DOID:419","Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis ; NCIT:C92188","Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) ; DOID:2945","severe COVID-19 ; DOID:0081013","Sexually Transmitted Disorder ; NCIT:C3365","Shigellosis ; C157978","Shoulder Dislocation ; NCIT:C35020","sickle cell anemia ; DOID:10923","sinusitis ; DOID:0050127","Sjogren's syndrome ; DOID:12894","Small Bowel Transplantation ; NCIT:C157985","Small for Gestational Age ; NCIT:C114934","smallpox ; DOID:8736","Solid Neoplasm ; NCIT:C9292","Solid Organ Transplant Recipient ; NCIT:C130200","specific developmental disorder ; DOID:0060038","spinal muscular atrophy ; DOID:12377","spontaneous abortion ; SYMP:0000199","Spontaneous Preterm Birth ; NCIT:C112864","Staphylococcus Aureus Infection ; NCIT:C122576","Stevens-Johnson syndrome ; DOID:0050426","stillbirth ; SYMP:0000849","Streptococcal Pharyngitis ; NCIT:C116003","Streptococcus pneumonia ; DOID:0040084","substance abuse ; DOID:302","substance-related disorder ; DOID:303","Sweet syndrome ; DOID:0080746","swine influenza ; DOID:0050211","systemic lupus erythematosus ; DOID:9074","systemic scleroderma ; DOID:418","tetanus ; DOID:11338","tonsillitis ; DOID:10456","TORCH syndrome ; DOID:0080835","transverse myelitis ; DOID:0080743","tuberculosis ; DOID:399","tularemia ; DOID:2123","type 1 diabetes mellitus ; DOID:9744","type 2 diabetes mellitus ; DOID:9352","typhoid fever ; DOID:13258","ulcerative colitis ; DOID:8577","upper respiratory tract disease ; DOID:974","urinary tract obstruction ; DOID:5200","uveitis ; DOID:13141","vasculitis ; DOID:865","Viral Respiratory Tract Infection ; NCIT:C27219","viral tropism ; NA","vitiligo ; DOID:12306","Water-Electrolyte Imbalance ; OMIT:0015710","weight loss ; SYMP:0000178","West Nile encephalitis ; DOID:2365","West Nile fever ; DOID:2366","X-linked agammaglobulinemia ; NCIT_C3822","yellow fever ; DOID:9682","Zika fever ; DOID:0060478"]
"type":"string","enum":["Acute/Recent onset","Chronic","COVID-19 Disease Severity 0","COVID-19 Disease Severity 1","COVID-19 Disease Severity 2","COVID-19 Disease Severity 3","COVID-19 Disease Severity 4","COVID-19 Disease Severity 5","COVID-19 Disease Severity 6","COVID-19 Disease Severity 7","COVID-19 Disease Severity 8","Critical COVID-19","Non-severe COVID-19","Other","Post","SeroNet Covid-19 Disease Severity Death","SeroNet Covid-19 Disease Severity Mild","SeroNet Covid-19 Disease Severity Moderate","SeroNet Covid-19 Disease Severity Severe","SeroNet Covid-19 Disease Severity Unknown","Severe COVID-19","Unknown"]
subjectHumans.json Example Instance
This is an example of a filled out subjectHumans.json template that includes 2 subject records.
"templateType": "combined-result",
"fileName": "subjectHumans.json",
"name": "subjecthumans",
"schemaVersion": "3.37",
"validationLevel": "1",
"data": [
"metaData": {
"subjectId": "Subject_2000_A",
"gender": "Male",
"minSubjectAge": "10",
"maxSubjectAge": "10",
"ageUnit": "Years",
"ageEvent": "Age at enrollment",
"subjectPhenotype": "Normal",
"subjectLocation": "US: Maryland",
"ethnicity": "Hispanic or Latino",
"race": "White",
"description": "Test Subject A",
"armOrCohortId": "TestStudyArm2000A"
"resultData": [
"exposureProcessReported": "administering substance in vivo",
"exposureMaterialReported": "Hepatitis B virus vaccine ; VO_0000644",
"diseaseReported": "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ; DOID:635",
"diseaseStageReported": "Chronic"
"metaData": {
"subjectId": "Subject_2000_B",
"gender": "Female",
"minSubjectAge": "20",
"maxSubjectAge": "20",
"ageUnit": "Years",
"ageEvent": "Age at enrollment",
"subjectPhenotype": "Normal",
"subjectLocation": "US: Maryland",
"ethnicity": "Not Hispanic or Latino",
"race": "Black or African American",
"description": "Test Subject B",
"armOrCohortId": "TestStudyArm2000B"
"resultData": [
"exposureProcessReported": "administering substance in vivo",
"exposureMaterialReported": "Hepatitis B virus vaccine ; VO_0000644",
"diseaseReported": "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ; DOID:635",
"diseaseStageReported": "Chronic"