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Submission Templates

Primary Templates

Data Type Purpose Template Required Data
All Templates Download a zip file containing all templates
    See requirements for individual templates.
Basic Study Describes a study in terms of title, goals, endpoints, criteria for study participation, subject grouping (arms or cohorts), personnel, planned visits or encounters and protocols using a single worksheet.

A study design and protocol should be uploaded first.

  • Study User Defined ID
  • Title
  • Description
  • Endpoints
  • Actual Start Date
  • Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
  • Arms or Cohorts
  • Personnel
  • Planned Visit
  • Protocol
Lists the protocols associated with the study. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Edit Study Design Update a study design, add files, publications, or subjects.

A study design should be uploaded first.

  • Study ID
  • Study File Name
  • Pubmed ID
Subjects Subjects may be patients or animals from which samples are taken for analysis. Two .xlsx templates (one for human and one for animal subjects) are available for recording subject information. subjectHumans.xlsx



  • User Defined ID
  • Protocol
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Age Unit
  • Age Event
  • Ethnicity
  • Race
  • Phenotype
  • Study Arm or Cohort
  • Population
  • User Defined ID
  • Species Name
  • Strain Name
  • Protocol
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Age Unit
  • Age Event
  • Phenotype
  • Study Arm or Cohort
Lists the protocols associated with the study subjects. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Clinical Lab Test Captures the Lab Test User-Defined ID, Lab Panel ID, Biological Sample ID, Lab Test Name, Result Value and Result Unit for lab tests. labTests.xlsx

  • Lab Test User Defined ID
  • Lab Panel ID
  • Biological Sample ID
  • Lab Test Name
  • Result Value
  • Result Unit
  • Lab Test
Lists the protocols associated with the lab tests. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Assessment Captures the Subject ID, Panel ID, User Defined ID, Planned Visit ID, Component Name, and Study Day for assessments. assessments.xlsx

  • Subject ID
  • Assessment Panel ID
  • Assessment Component User Defined ID
  • Planned Visit ID
  • Assessment Component Name
  • Study Day
Assessment Component Captures the User Defined ID, Assessment Panel ID, Subject ID, Planned Visit ID, Name, and Study Day for assessment components. assessmentcomponent.xlsx

  • Assessment Component User Defined ID
  • Assessment Panel ID
  • Subject ID
  • Planned Visit ID
  • Name
  • Study Day
Assessment Panel Captures the User Defined ID, Study ID, and Name for assessment panels. assessmentpanel.xlsx

  • Assessment Panel User Defined ID
  • Study ID
  • Name
Intervention Captures the study indicated interventions, concomitant medications, and substance use for subjects in a study. interventions.xlsx

  • Substance ID
  • Study ID
  • Subject ID
  • Compund Role
  • Dose
  • Start Day
  • End Day
Adverse Events Captures the adverse events reported during a study. adverseEvents.xlsx

  • Adverse Event User-Defined ID
  • Subject ID
  • Study ID
  • Name Reported
  • Severity
  • Outcome
  • Start Day
  • End Day
  • Relation to Study Treatment
CYTOF Assays Describes the samples, reagents, and results from a CYTOF experiment.

May be used to describe experiments and biological samples.



  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • Result file
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a CyTOF (Mass cytometry) experiment. reagents.CyTOF.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
  • Analyte Name
  • Detector Name
  • Reporter Name
Groups of reagents used together in an assay may be defined as a reagent set to simply referring to reagents. reagent_sets.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Reagent Set Components ID
  • Description
  • Name
  • Type Name
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
Describe CyTOF (Mass Cytometry) results in a format to facilitate sharing of results. CyTOF_Derived_data.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample ID
  • Population Name
  • Population Definition
  • Population Cell Number
  • Population Cell Number Unit
  • Workspace File
ELISA Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from an ELISA experiment.

May be used to describe experiments, biological samples, and report results.



  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • ImmPort Template?
  • Result file
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in an ELISA experiment. reagents.ELISA.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
  • Analyte Name
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
ELISPOT Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from an ELISPOT experiment.

May be used to describe experiments, biological samples, and report results.



  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • Result file
  • ImmPort Template?
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in an ELISPOT experiment. reagents.ELISPOT.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
  • Analyte Name
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
Flow Cytometry Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a Flow Cytometry experiment. experimentSamples.



  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • FCS Result file
  • FCS Compensation/Control file(s)
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in an Flow Cytometry experiment. reagents.Flow_Cytometry.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
  • Analyte Name
  • Detector Name
  • Reporter Name
Groups of reagents used together in an assay may be defined as a reagent set to simply referring to reagents. reagent_sets.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Reagent Set Components ID
  • Description
  • Name
  • Type Name
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
A form to describe Flow Cytometry results in a format to facilitate sharing of results. FCM_Derived_data.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample ID
  • Population Name
  • Population Definition
  • Population Cell Number
  • Population Cell Number Unit
  • Workspace File
Gene Expression Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a Gene Expression experiment. experimentSamples.Gene_Expression_Array.xlsx

experimentSamples.Gene_Expression_Array.txt experimentSamples.RNA_Sequencing.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample User ID
  • Experiment ID
  • Biological Sample ID
  • Reagent
  • Treatment
  • Repository Name
  • Repository Accession
Lists the results associated with the experiments. Results may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. RNA_SEQ_Results.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample ID
  • Reference Transcript ID
  • Repository Name
  • Transcript Type Reported
  • Result Unit Reported
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a Gene Expression experiment. reagents.Array.xlsx



  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
Captures information on the public repository name and accession linked to ImmPort data. publicRepositories.xlsx

  • ExperimentSample ID
  • Repository Name
  • Repository Accession
Genotyping Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a Genotyping experiment. experimentSamples.Genotyping_Array.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample User ID
  • Experiment ID
  • Biological Sample ID
  • Reagent
  • Treatment
  • Repository Name
  • Repository Accession
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a Genotyping experiment. reagents.Array.xlsx


  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
Captures information on the public repository name and accession linked to ImmPort data. publicRepositories.xlsx

  • ExperimentSample ID
  • Repository Name
  • Repository Accession
Hemaglutinnation Inhibition Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a HAI experiment. experimentSamples.HAI.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • ImmPort Template?
  • Result file
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a HAI experiment. reagents.HAI.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
HLA Typing Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a HLA typing experiment. experimentSamples.HLA.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • ImmPort Template?
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a HLA typing experiment. reagents.HLA_Typing.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
A form to describe HLA typing results in a format to facilitate sharing of results. HLA_Typing.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample ID
  • Population
Image Histology Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a Image Histology experiment. experimentSamples.



  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • Result file
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a Image Histology experiment. reagents.Other.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
KIR Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a KIR typing experiment. experimentSamples.KIR.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • ImmPort Template?
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a KIR typing experiment. reagents.KIR_Typing.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
A form to describe KIR typing results in a format to facilitate sharing of results. KIR_Typing.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample ID
  • KIR Haplotype
Metabolomics Mass Spectrometry Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a metabolomics mass spectrometry experiment. experimentSamples.



  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • Result file
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a Image Histology experiment. reagents.Other.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
A form to describe Metabolomics Mass Spectrometry Assay results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. Mass_Spectrometry_Metabolomic_Results.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Intensity
  • Retention Time
  • Retention Time Unit
  • M/Z Ratio
  • Z (Charge)
Multiplex Bead Array Assays (MBAA) Assays Captures the samples, reagents, treatments, and results from a MBAA experiment. experimentSamples.MBAA.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • ImmPort Template?
  • Assay ID
  • Dilution Factor
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a MBAA experiment. reagents.MBAA.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
  • Analyte Name
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
A form to describe control samples in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. controlSamples.xlsx

  • Control Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Source
  • Catalog ID
  • Dilution Factor
  • Assay ID
  • ImmPort Template?
A form to describe a standard curve in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. standardCurves.xlsx

  • Standard Curve User-Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Formula
  • Analyte Name
  • Assay ID
  • Lower Limit
  • Lower Limit Unit
  • Upper Limit
  • Upper Limit Unit
  • ImmPort Template?
A form to describe MBAA results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. MBAA_Results.xlsx

  • Source ID
  • Assay ID
  • Analyte Name
  • Calculated Concentration Value
  • Calculated Concentration Unit
  • Mfi
Neutralizing Antibody Titer Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a Neutralizing Antibody Titer experiment. The literature uses a number of terms to describe similar assay methods and ImmPort employs some of these assay names. experimentSamples.



  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • ImmPort Template?
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a Neutralizing Antibody Titer experiment. reagents.



  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
Proteomics Mass Spectrometry Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a proteomics mass spectrometry experiment. experimentSamples.

  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • Result file
A form to describe Proteomics Mass Spectrometry Assay results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. Mass_Spectrometry_Proteomic_Results.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Intensity
  • Protein Name Reported
QRT-PCR Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from a quantitative PCR experiment. experimentSamples.QRT-PCR.xlsx

  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • ImmPort Template?
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in a PCR experiment. reagents.



  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details
Other Assays Captures the samples, reagents, and results from an experiment type not characterized by ImmPort. experimentSamples.Other.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample User Defined ID
  • Experiment
  • Reagent
  • Biological Sample
  • Treatment
  • Result file
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Captures detailed information about the reagents used in an experiment. Since different analysis platforms employ very different reagents, the reagents.xlsx file contains several tabs for entering platform specific details of the reagents that were used. reagents.Other.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
Captures information about the treatments applied in vitro to experiment samples or biological samples. Three types of treatments are supported: amount of agent, duration, and temperature. treatments.xlsx

  • Treatment User Defined ID
  • Treatment Name
  • Treatment?
  • Treatment Specific Details

Standalone Templates

Data Type Purpose Template Required Data
Standalone Templates Purpose Spreadsheet Template Required Data to Complete Metadata Form
Biological Samples Describe the samples used for experiments or lab tests.

N.B. Samples may also be described in the experiment sample template.

  • Biological Sample User Defined ID
  • Sample Type
  • Subject ID
  • Study ID
  • Planned Visit ID
  • Study Time Collected
  • Study Time Collected Unit
  • Study Time Event
Experiments Describes the type of experiment, measurement technique and protocols used in the experiment.

N.B. Experiments may also be described in the experiment sample templates.

  • Experiment User Defined ID
  • Experiment Name
  • Purpose
  • Measurement Technique
  • Protocol ID
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
ELISA Derived and Interpreted Results A form to describe ELISA results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. ELISA_Results.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample ID
  • Analyte
  • Calculated Concentration Value
  • Calculated Concentration Unit
  • Parent Specimen
ELISPOT Derived and Interpreted Results A form to describe ELISPOT results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. ELISPOT_Results.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample ID
  • Analyte
  • Number of Spots per Well
  • Base/Parent Population value
  • Base/Parent Population unit
  • Autogenerated Descriptive Phrase
Hemaglutinnation Inhibition Derived and Interpreted Results A form to describe HAI results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. HAI_Results.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample
  • Virus Strain
  • Titration Dilution Value
Immune Exposure Captures information about the type of process through which a host is exposed and the type of evidence for that exposure. immuneExposure.xlsx

  • Arm Or Cohort ID
  • Exposure Process Reported
  • Exposure Material Reported
  • Exposure Material ID
  • Disease Reported
  • Disease Ontology ID
  • Disease Stage Reported
Lab Test Panels Captures the Lab Panel Name, Study ID and Protocol ID for lab tests. labTestPanels.xlsx

  • Lab Test Panel User Defined ID
  • Name
  • Study ID
  • Protocol ID
Lists the protocols associated with the experiments. Protocols may be PDF files, Word documents, Excel or other file types. protocols.xlsx

  • Protocol User Defined ID
  • Protocol File Name
Lab Test Results Captures the Lab Panel ID, Biosample ID, Name, Result Value, and Result Unit for lab tests. labTest_Results.xlsx

  • Lab Test User Defined ID
  • Lab Test Panel ID
  • Biosample ID
  • Name
  • Result Value
  • Result Unit
Reagents Sequencing Captures detailed information about the reagents used in an experiment. Since different analysis platforms employ very different reagents, the reagents.xlsx file contains several tabs for entering platform specific details of the reagents that were used. reagents.Sequencing.xlsx

  • Reagent User Defined ID
  • Manufacturer
  • Catalog Number
PCR Derived and Interpreted Results A form to describe PCR results in a structure that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. PCR_Results.xlsx

  • Experiment Sample
  • Entrez Gene ID
Virus Neutralization Titers Derived and Interpreted Results A form to describe the interpeted results of sample (e.g. serum) dilution series to quantitate the viral neutralizing activity of a sample. The Virus Neutralization Results capture the interpreted titer results in a commonly used format that can be interpreted by ImmPort to facilitate searching and display of results. Virus_Neutralization_Results.xls

  • Experiment Sample
  • Virus Strain
  • Titration Dilution Value