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Assay Results


The following endpoints can be used to retrieve assay results that have been parsed and stored in standardized tables for these types of results. The ImmPort team works with many groups to design these tables to store standarized Immunology assay results. Assay results that can not be parsed, or do not fit into the current set of standardized tables, may be available for download as study files or custom assay results files.


OpenAPI - Swagger Documention


Endpoint Description BASE URL + Endpoint
Elisa Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbant Assay elisa
Elispot Enzyme-linked ImmunoSPOT elispot
FcsAnalyzed Flow and mass cytometry results fcsAnalyzed
Hai Hemagglutination Inhibition hai
HlaTyping Human Leukocyte Antigen typing hlaTyping
KirTyping Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors typing kirTyping
Mbaa Multiplex Bead Array Assay (Luminex) mbaa
NeutAbTiter Neutralizing Antibody Titer Assay neutAbTiter
Pcr Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction pcr
MassSpectrometryResult An assay that identifies the amount and type of material entities present in a sample by fragmenting the sample and measuring the mass-to-charge ratio of the resulting particles massSpectrometryResult

Filter Criteria

Each of the API endpoints mentioned in the table above can have the following list of filter criteria fields passed as parameters to filter the data to meet a specific set of requirements. One or more of the filter fields can be passed as parameters to the various API endpoints.

If there is an entry in the Reference Table column, this means the values for these filters are limited to a specific set of values. In the ImmPort data model these tables are designated as lookup tables, another common term for these type of tables are controlled vocabulary tables. More information, including the set of values for each table is available here under the Lookup Tables tab.

The values passed to the filter fields are case insensitive
Filter Field Description Rederence Table
ageEvent Subject's age event. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). lk_age_event
ageEventSpecify Subject's age event if not a preferred term. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). NA
ageUnit Subject's age unit. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). lk_time_unit
ancestralPopulation Subject's ancestral population. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). lk_ancestral_population
armAccession Study arm accession to which a subject is assigned. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). NA
armName Study arm name to which a subject is assigned. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept partial match values (case insensitive). NA
biosampleAccession Biological sample accession. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). NA
biosampleSubtype Biological sample type if not a preferred term. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). NA
biosampleType Biological sample type. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). lk_sample_type
clinical Flag to indicate clinical trial status. This filter field will take a single exact value (case insensitive). Boolean
ethnicity Subject's ethnicity. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). lk_ethnicity
experimentAccession Experiment accession. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). NA
expsampleAccession Experiment sample accession. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). NA
gender Subject's gender. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). lk_gender
maxSubjectAge Subject's maximum age value. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "equal to (=)". NA
maxSubjectAgeGte Subject's maximum age value. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "greater than and equal to (>=)". NA
maxSubjectAgeLte Subject's maximum age value. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "less than and equal to (<=)". NA
maxSubjectAgeGt Subject's maximum age value. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "greater than (>)". NA
maxSubjectAgeLt Subject's maximum age value. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "less than (<)". NA
minSubjectAge Subject's minimum age value. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "equal to (=)". NA
minSubjectAgeGte Subject's minimum age value. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "greater than and equal to (>=)". NA
minSubjectAgeLte Subject's minimum age value. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "less than and equal to (<=)". NA
minSubjectAgeGt Subject's minimum age value. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "greater than (>)". NA
minSubjectAgeLt Subject's minimum age value. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "less than (<)". NA
measurementTechnique Experiment Measurement Technique. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). lk_exp_measurement_tech
plannedVisitAccession Study Planned Visit Accession. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). NA
race Subject's race. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). lk_race
raceSpecify Subject's race if non-preferred values were used. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). NA
species Subject's species. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). lk_species
strain Non-human subject strain. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). NA
studyAccession Study accession. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). NA
studyTimeCollected Sample's collection time in study timeline normalized per subject. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "equal to (=)". NA
studyTimeCollectedGte Sample's collection time in study timeline normalized per subject. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "greater than and equal to (>=)". NA
studyTimeCollectedLte Sample's collection time in study timeline normalized per subject. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "less than and equal to (<=)". NA
studyTimeCollectedGt Sample's collection time in study timeline normalized per subject. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "greater than (>)". NA
studyTimeCollectedLt Sample's collection time in study timeline normalized per subject. This filter field will take a single exact numeric value and the condition will be "less than (<)". NA
studyTimeCollectedUnit Sample study time collected unit. This filter field can take multiple values and it will take exact values (case insensitive). lk_time_unit
studyTimeT0Event Sample study time collected milestone or point of reference. This filter field can take multiple values and it will take exact values (case insensitive). lk_t0_event
studyTimeT0EventSpecify Sample study time collected milestone or point of reference if non-preferred terms were used. This filter field can take multiple values and it will take exact values (case insensitive). NA
subjectAccession Subject accession. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept only exact values (case insensitive). NA
studyTitle Study title. This filter field can take multiple values and it will take partial values (case insensitive). NA
subjectPhenotype Subject phenotype or description. This filter field can take multiple values and it will take exact values (case insensitive). NA
treatmentAccession Treatment accession. This filter field can take multiple values and it will accept partial match values (case insensitive). NA
format Query API format. This filter field will take a single exact value. The valid values for this field are: json and tsv. NA