Arm 2 subject

Join table that associates Subject with ARM_OR_COHORT table records.

Name Type Description Foreign Key
arm_accession varchar(15) Foreign key reference to ARMO_OR_COHORT table arm_or_cohort.arm_accession
subject_accession varchar(15) Foreign key reference to SUBJECT table subject.subject_accession
age_event varchar(50) Standardized value in the LK_AGE_EVENT table
age_event_specify varchar(50) Reported value when the age event is not available in the LK_AGE_EVENT table
age_unit varchar(50) Standardized value in the LK_TIME_UNIT table
max_subject_age float Maximum numeric age of the subject
min_subject_age float Minumum numeric age of the subject
subject_phenotype varchar(200) Reported value
max_subject_age_in_years float Maximum numeric age of the subject in years
min_subject_age_in_years float Minumum numeric age of the subject in years
Name Column Description
PRIMARY arm_accession BTREE
PRIMARY subject_accession BTREE
idx_arm_2_subject_1 subject_accession BTREE
idx_arm_2_subject_1 arm_accession BTREE
fk_arm_2_subject_3 age_unit BTREE
fk_arm_2_subject_4 age_event BTREE
Tables that Reference this Table
Name Column Table Reference Column Reference
immune_exposure arm_accession arm_2_subject arm_accession
immune_exposure subject_accession arm_2_subject subject_accession