
Captures results of Mass Spectrometry assays.

Name Type Description Foreign Key
result_id int(11) Primary key
arm_accession varchar(15) Foreign key reference to ARM_OR_COHORT table arm_or_cohort.arm_accession
biosample_accession varchar(15) Foreign key reference to BIOSAMPLE table biosample.biosample_accession
comments varchar(500) Free text to expand upon details
experiment_accession varchar(15) Foreign key reference to EXPERIMENT table experiment.experiment_accession
expsample_accession varchar(15) Foreign key reference to EXPSAMPLE table expsample.expsample_accession
intensity float The intensity of the mass spectrometry result
retention_time float The retention time of the mass spectrometry result
retention_time_unit varchar(25) The unit of time for the the retention time of the mass spectrometry result.
m_z_ratio float The ratio of mass to Z charge
z_charge varchar(50) The Z charge of the mass spectrometry result
database_id_reported varchar(50) The HMDB, PubChem, or RefMet ID associated with the result
database_id_preferred varchar(25) The HMDB, PubChem, or RefMet ID associated with the result lk_hmdb.hmdb_id
mass_spectrometry_type varchar(50) Metabolomics or Proteomics
metabolite_name_reported varchar(255) The name of the reported metabolite used in the mass spectrometry
metabolite_name_preferred varchar(255) The name of the reported metabolite used in the mass spectrometry
protein_name_reported varchar(255) The name or ID of the protein
protein_name_preferred varchar(255) The name or ID of the protein
repository_accession varchar(20) Foreign key reference to a public repository
repository_name varchar(50) Name or identifier
study_accession varchar(15) Foreign key reference to STUDY table study.study_accession
study_time_collected float Reported value
study_time_collected_unit varchar(25) Standardized value in LK_TIME_UNIT table
subject_accession varchar(15) Foreign key reference to SUBJECT table subject.subject_accession
workspace_id int(11) Foreign key reference to WORKSPACE table workspace.workspace_id
Name Column Description
idx_mass_study_accession study_accession BTREE
idx_mass_arm_accession arm_accession BTREE
idx_mass_biosample_accession biosample_accession BTREE
idx_mass_experiment_accession experiment_accession BTREE
idx_mass_expsample_accession expsample_accession BTREE
idx_mass_subject_accession subject_accession BTREE
idx_mass_workspace workspace_id BTREE
fk_mass_result_8 database_id_preferred BTREE
fk_mass_result_9 protein_name_preferred BTREE
fk_mass_result_10 retention_time_unit BTREE
fk_mass_result_11 mass_spectrometry_type BTREE
fk_mass_result_12 repository_name BTREE
Tables that Reference this Table
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